2023/24 Board of Directors Recruitment

CKXU 88.3 FM is recruiting for new Board of Directors members!
At the upcoming AGM, CKXU will be electing ONE (1) new Director to the Board!
CKXU serves an audience recognized as diverse in ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, age, and physical and mental ability. At a governance level, diversity that is reflective of the community we serve is vital to the development of a healthier and more representative organization. CKXU strongly encourages applications from women, non-binary individuals, LGBTQ2S+ individuals, BIPOC, and people with disabilities. If you are interested in becoming a nominee for the 2023-2026 term, please complete and submit the 2023/24 BOD Nomination Form. Completed Nomination Forms that are received prior to September 25, 2023 will be shared with the Membership prior to the AGM.
Campus and community radio stations play a vital role in the communities they serve and volunteers are essential to station operations. For organizations such as the CKXU Radio Society, volunteers can play key roles as members of the Board of Directors (BOD). Becoming a part of the Board of Directors is an opportunity to provide direct input into the strategic direction of the station, gain valuable experience related to non-profit governance, and build relationships within the community.
The CKXU BOD acts as a financial steward of the CKXU Radio Society and operates as a governance board. In other words, it makes decisions about the overall direction of the organization, sets annual priorities, oversees the Executive Director, and develops and amends legislative documents. The Board’s decisions are informed by the annual priorities outlined in its strategic plan, which is in turn based on feedback from Members, Staff, and other Stakeholders. By accepting a BOD position, you are accountable to the Membership and are responsible and liable for ensuring the accountability of the CKXU Radio Society as a whole.