CKXU 88.3 FM Announces 2023 AGM!

CKXU 88.3 FM is pleased to officially announce the 2023 Annual General Meeting!
The 2023 AGM will be held in-person at the University of Lethbridge in Turcotte Hall, Room 204 on Sunday October 1, 2023 from 1pm to 3pm.
CKXU asks that all members of the Society attend the in-person AGM to review important updates about the work being done by the Staff and Board, to vote on motions being set forth in regards to approval of the draft 2023/24 Budget, and to elect some new Board members!
Membership Fees for the 2023/24 year will be done in a similar format to last year! We’re once again asking that Community Members pay their CKXU Membership Fee for the 2023/24 year via our online store OR in-person at the AGM. It’s fast, easy, secure, and ensures your member-in-good-standing status for AGM! Click here to purchase your 2023/24 Membership!
If you are a Student Member who pays Membership via your Student Levy fees, please reach out to Courtney at [email protected] to complete your 2023/24 Code of Conduct & Membership Agreement – these documents will need to be completed for you to be considered a member-in-good-standing!
PLEASE NOTE: All Members of the Society are required to have their fees paid and their documents submitted by the 2023 AGM. Members who do not complete these tasks will not be granted access to CKXU’s physical spaces or permitted to volunteer until fees and forms have been finalized.
At the upcoming meeting, we will be electing ONE (1) new Director to the Board! CKXU serves an audience recognized as diverse in ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, age, and physical and mental ability. At a governance level, diversity that is reflective of the community we serve is vital to the development of a healthier and more representative organization. CKXU strongly encourages applications from women, non-binary individuals, LGBTQ2S+ individuals, BIPOC, and people with disabilities. If you are interested in becoming a nominee for the 2023-2026 term, please complete and submit the 2023/24 BOD Nomination Form. Completed Nomination Forms that are received prior to September 25, 2023 will be shared with the Membership prior to the AGM.